What’s the Difference Between Running and Jogging?

I often hear the question – what’s the difference between running and jogging – and perhaps the answer seems obvious to you – running means you’re moving at a faster pace than jogging, right?

Well I believe the question really is – what’s the speed cut off between jogging and running, that is, how much faster do you need to go?

Well, they say that if your average speed is above 10 kilometres per hour, you are running. This means if you are moving slower than 10 kilometres per hour, then you are jogging.

For our imperial friends, this equates to six miles per hour.

That’s where the difference between running and jogging ends; they are both considered great cardio and aerobic exercises that are good for your heart, lungs, and bones as well as help strengthen your muscles.

When we look at the difference between walking and jogging, you can see the latter is harder, mainly because of the extra muscle required to maintain balance, breathe harder, go faster and the inevitable bounce up-and-down in your gait.

You should definitely do warm ups and stretching exercises before and after jogging or running.

Subsequently, there is more effort in running than jogging, and the whole process is more intense. It requires a mixture of endurance and stamina to go faster and for longer stretches.

So which is better for you? What is the difference between running and jogging on your personal health?

Well that depends on your fitness goals. Jogging is a great form of exercise and will help you decrease your average blood pressure, reduce lower back pain, help you lose weight and also build muscle and bones – both are great forms of exercise.

Obviously, if you are training for a marathon and speed is your thing – aim for a 9 minute mile. That’s the difference between running and jogging.

New to running?

If you are new to running, start off slow. Begin by walking fast, then work up to jogging, and then you can move on to running. You’ve got to train your body to be a runner, which could take anywhere from a month to a year, depending on your body and the consistency or your workout schedule.

You should always set reasonable goals for yourself, gradually build on them, and celebrate when you reach them.

Jogging for beginners

Before you begin to start jogging or began any new exercise program if you are over 30 and have not been exercising, you need to check with your doctor before you start.

If you are over 35 it would be prudent to take a maximal stress treadmill test to establish your capability of taking on a jogging routine. Just as you do with any new exercise, you need to begin jogging slowly.

We know it is something to get those new shoes put on the new jogging suit clip on your earphones and begin jogging. Don’t do this; it could lead to stiffness fatigue disappointment and the possible injury. Any real accomplishment is gained by beginning slowly and continuing lightly might be what is a good way to start.

You should take a few moderate walks over several days if you have not been extremely active up to this point. It is even more important before you run. There are six parts to being fit. The first and the most evident is solely good and real good then there is flexibility for range of motion when a person has ease of mobility it allows that man or woman the freedom to move next there are balance and strength balance allows one to be stable and strength leads to the ability to maintain muscle quality.

Speed is another result being fit which is just opposite of crippling slowness a byproduct of getting older and the last is endurance especially cardiovascular endurance jumping is one of the best fitness activities to achieve all of these states of being.

Just take it slowly, don’t overdo and get some quality running shoes.

What’s the difference between walking and running?

Which one is better and which one of them offers more benefits? This is a question which is on the minds of most of the beginners. From a technique perspective, walking and running differ in terms of the foot strike. While walking the heel strikes the ground first and while running it’s more of a front foot or mid-foot strike also while walking one foot is always in contact with the ground while the other foot is in the air and while running both feet should be in the air at some point during your stride.

If you ever witness race walking which is basically a race where people walk at a fast pace maintaining this walking technique where one foot is always touching the ground is mandatory. Otherwise, the participant is disqualified. Both walking and running essentially use the same muscle groups in your legs which includes the quads, muscles in the front of your thighs, the hamstrings muscles in the back of your thighs glutes which is basically a buttocks and your calves, the arms, shoulders and the core muscles are also involved in the process.

The difference is in the intensity of the workout. Running is a high impact, high-intensity workout whereas walking is a low intensity no impact workout. As per research, running burns 30% more calories as compared to walking for the same distance which basically means if you’re running 5 kilometers at a moderate pace and walking the same distance you will burn more calories while running.

This is because running is an intense form of workout, so higher speed means higher calorie burn also running at a moderately fast pace leads to some called as the afterburn effect which means that even after you finish your run you will be burning calories. However, if you prefer walking and you’re planning to lose weight or burn calories you just have to change your nutrition plan in accordance with walking.

Now, what does science have to say about walking versus running according to one study 5 minutes of running is as beneficial as 15 minutes of walking which means that you will experience health benefits faster if you run. Studies also suggest that runners or joggers live longer as compared to non runners or people who don’t do any physical activity.

Men live 3.8 years longer and women live 4.7 years longer also if you run for just 2 hours per week for one year you will lose weight we reduce the body fat reduce your resting heart rate and also reduce the fat in the blood which is basically your triglycerides.

There’s even evidence that running contributes to the overall emotional well-being of a person as it brings down the tension depression and anger walking can offer similar benefits however it will take much longer to achieve them. Also, walking has an advantage over running when it comes to the risk of injury according to a study running produces ground reaction forces 2.5 times the body weight and while walking the ground reaction forces 1.5 times the body weight ground reaction force is a force exerted by the ground on the body in response to the force exerted by the body on the ground.

Much like Newton’s third law of action and reaction so greater the ground reaction force greater the wear and tear which eventually leads to injuries. Another catch with running which was identified by a study was that if you overexert or run too much at a higher pace without taking appropriate rest it may make your heart weak and lead to heart problems just like everything else too much of running may prove to be harmful.

Science is still divided when it comes to the overall benefits of running versus walking however based on the studies and the research done so far running will bring in benefits faster as compared to walking, however overexertion may lead to more damage than good.

Using proper running gear will reduce the risk of injuries so choose what you love and keep moving.

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